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Microsoft to pay compensation to an American lady because Windows Update 10

It approved Microsoft's software company to pay compensation worth 10 thousand dollars to an American woman after an update to Windows 10 to make automated Hasabha unusable.
Said Terry Goldstein from California that automated Hasabha that is running Windows 7 system started automatically update to the new operating system without its consent.
She added that the update caused a malfunction in Hasabha what it unable to project management.
Seattle Times newspaper quoted Goldstein as saying that the update caused the computer to slow significantly and that Microsoft's customer service has been unable to repair the holidays.
She said, "I have not received an alert message and did not ask my opinion about whether I wanted to update or not."
For its part, Microsoft said it had canceled the appeal on the judgment in order to save the judicial expenses.
The US giant has faced criticism for the urgency of the users in the renewal of Windows versions 7 and 8 to the new version of the operating system is widely used.
In spite of the availability of the new version for download free of charge, many people preferred to keep the old copies so as not to conflict with the relatively old devices, as some have expressed concern about the tracking feature in the new version.
He accused the experts in information technology by using Microsoft's "nasty trick" to convince users to update its version as clicking on the red cross in the top right corner of the message activates the update process instead of closing the fund.
This leads to confusion as to perform exactly like a click on the Red Cross to alert message leads to close it.
Microsoft to pay compensation to an American lady because Windows Update 10 Unknown on 13:45 5

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