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Google may name and shame Android device makers for slow updates

Anyone who has used Android phones over the years knows the frustration that can come with waiting for OTA updates. While Google drops new versions of Android and security patches at a breakneck pace, OEMs like Samsung, LG, and HTC are slow to deploy them to their phones. Now, Google is reportedly considering publicly shaming OEMs for taking too long with updates.
Google is constantly developing Android and deploying new builds to its line of Nexus phones and tablets. These devices don’t have to go through any extra steps, so the updates are immediate. OEMs have to take the open source code from Google and integrate their custom features and customize it for the hardware. After that, devices that are sold through carriers have their updates certified by the carrier before the OTA is sent out. This whole process adds months to the process and often makes it too expensive to update old or inexpensive devices.
According to a report from Bloomberg, Google is getting fed up with the lax attitude its hardware partners are taking with updates. It has data on the speed and completeness of OTA updates, and it shared this list with the OEMs earlier this year. It is also considering for the first time releasing that data publicly, effectively calling out the OEMs with the worst upgrade performance. Google has also been showing the same data to carriers as they often have final approval on updates for branded phones.
Google reportedly became more frustrated with the update situation last year when the Stagefright vulnerability prompted an emergency response from Google and OEMs alike. It took months for the updates to roll out, and some older devices were simply left behind. Google is now pushing for carriers to exempt monthly security patches from the full testing process, which can cost OEMs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Maybe releasing the update data will light a fire under everyone involved.
Google may name and shame Android device makers for slow updates Unknown on 13:31 5

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